So I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last week or so. It was probably about November when I took a look at my Goodreads challenge and realized how pitifully short I was falling from attaining my reading goal - initially it was 125 books, then it was 100... In the end I had to settle for 50.
The biggest reason for this is just a lack of focus, if I'm honest. I had the time to read, I just was busy doing other things! I think a small part of it might have been that I lost sight a bit of reading for myself - I was very focused on doing ARC reviews, and trying to keep up with all of the hype and the latest trend, so to speak. This year I've decided to do things a bit differently, and that includes changing up the stuff that I post here - not just review posts, but other things too. After all, this is a *blog*, not a review site!
So what better way to start off than briefly touching on the books that I really enjoyed in 2015? It's a bit late in the month, I suppose, but better late than never, right?
Next is The Queen Of The Tearling, by Erika Johansen! This book was fantastic - a beautiful, magical world, a heroine who stumbles along but has strength in spite of that, a cast of characters that is fascinating and intriguing. The sequel The Invasion Of The Tearling is also out, so I definitely suggest readers check out this series!
Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake was another one of my favourites. If you love the TV show Supernatural I can pretty much guarantee that you will adore this. It's so much fun, with a character who is easy to empathise with, interesting mythology and a ghost who isn't quite what you might expect her to be! This also has a sequel in case you're wanting more. :D
To change things up a bit, next up is Flowers For Algernon, by Daniel Keyes. This book is just... amazing. It moved me, it made me think, it is fascinating. Many of you probably had to read this or the short story it's based on for school, but imo it's definitely worth a reread if you have the time.
Next we have The Last Days Of Ptolemy Grey, by Walter Mosley. This book was just... Oh, it was so much fun. It's about life and aging and family, and also about racism and violence and betrayal. The main character has an incredibly strong voice that drew me in, and I highly recommend this book.
Lastly we have Sculptor, a graphic novel by Scott McCloud. This is one of the first graphic novels I've ever read, and I freaking loved it. It's moving, it's intricate, it's about love and life, and it's incredibly well done. A wonderful start into graphic novels, for me.
And there we have it! Since I only read 50 books, I think 6 top favourites is a good start. Hopefully I'll be able to bump that up a bit next year if I read more books!
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